1,000 Words

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then I must have a lot to say. Or is it not what I want to say but what you need to hear. That is the beauty of art, one photograph, one painting or one sculpture speaks a different thousand words to each of us. Art speaks the universal language in our own dialect. There is freedom in art and it is alive. Art is life and life rules.

This is my "sketch" book and I share it with you.

My Color Theory

If it looks good then do it If it says what you want it to then let it say it There are no rules, no boundries just imagination.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

In the eye of Hoge

Graphite Pencil

In keeping with today's outer space theme I am paying homage to the astronomers, astronauts and the plain curious. The iris of the eye is a rendition of Hoge's Object which is a galaxy far far away. So here's to George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Capitan Kirk too.
Charlii Jean

A View of the Moon

Digital : Illustrator & Photoshop

The Moon is one of the most fascinating objects in the night sky. And our dependency on the moon is quite intricate as with out the moon the ocean tides would have no boundaries for one. The full moon was our first calender to keep track of the months and when to sow and harvest. So the moon is also a very important to the development of humans. There are countless stories and legends about the moon, too many to go into here so I encourage you to Google them and learn about them. The man in the moon (or animal) is a legend that appears in every culture so it is very interesting stuff. Anyways, it is one of my favorite subjects to draw and perhaps I will one day begin that series of Men on the Moon based on the Native American Names for them. Until then I will continue to enjoy watching the moon at night and draw out my moon fantasies.
Oh by the way this months moon is the Crow Moon.

Charlii Jean

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Blue Sky and Trees

I took this photo out of a bus window in Cozumel Mexico a few years back. It was shortly after a hurricane had come through.

Rain Drop Tease

Ink and colored pencil on Bristol board

I love the rain and unfortunately for me we don't get enough it. As our rain season, if you can call it that, comes to an end I wanted to do something that can remind of the rain. This was an idea I pulled from an old sketch book from 3 or 4 years ago. In the sketch it was just circles and think making the sunflower viewed through water drops was a much better choice. I also love the way the cropping of the flower came out it's kind of like a little tease.
Charlii Jean